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JRPGs Making Shift to Softcore Porn

January 20, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

This generation of gaming has seen a steady decline of great JRPGs (Japanese Role-Playing games) that were abundant in the past.  Japanese developers have been changing their games to cater to global audiences and typically straying away from the genre.  Now, there has been a small resurgence and we are seeing a few more JRPGs than we were privy to at the beginning of the generation.  With that resurgence however, comes change.  The once popular genre was filled with fantasy, drama, and beauty, but now the priorities of developers have changed.  We are now seeing a shift of focus from that old style to a new style based on softcore porn.

There is going to be lots of 'play' in new Japanese Role Playing Games

We were genuinely interested in why the formula for tried and true games of the past are changing, so we asked the developers at Idea Factory (known for Hyperdimension Neptunia and Record of Agarest War) why the genre is changing:

“If you have a dick, you will like our games.  That’s like half of the world’s population.  Just wait until people are comfortable with our new style.  We’ll push the boundaries even further.  We’re already working on a new yet to be announced game tentatively named ‘2 Girls 1 Horny Super Fantasmagoric Hyper Sex Drive Robot.”

The genre is slowly changing, and while we’ve already seen pictures of scantily clad women in this generation’s JRPG games, we haven’t yet seen what the developers intend for the future.  Idea Factory once again blessed us with some information regarding their upcoming game Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2:

“In Record of Agarest War 2 we included a massage mini game where you are able to give various kinds of massages to sexy anime girls, but we want to take that a step further.  In Hyperdimension, we’re going to include that same massage minigame, but in this case you must sexually stimulate the girl you’re massaging.  We can’t actually have penetration (otherwise it would be hardcore porn) but what you must do is use ‘Super Magnetic Spiritual Ki Blasts’ to her genital region.  If you get her to squirt, you then keep the contents in a vial which you can drink later to refill your HP and MP.”

Kind of like this, but to female genitalia.

We are also beginning to see this kind of action from other developers as well.  Gust, known for its Ar Tonelico and Atelier series, while being a little more secretive, also wants to include sexual Easter eggs into their games.  What they intend to do is reward the player for being able to position the camera to catch a glimpse underneath females’ skirts.  They definitely do not want to take the fantasy out of the JRPG genre, so what players will find might not be what they expect:

“In games of yore, players were always trying to find ways to get the camera to look up the skirts of girls.  Since it can be quite the task to get that perfect look, we want to reward players with more than just pixelated panties.  We want to show them a magical world.  For example, you might be able to see a small forested valley colonized by tiny little fairies.  We will also let you explore these magical worlds by miniaturizing yourself and warping yourself into the depths of them.  You can find all sorts of useful items, such as ‘Pubic Potions’ and ‘Vaginal Vaccinations’.  We hope players explore these worlds to their heart’s content.”    

So this is what the inside of fantasy panties looks like!

These changes are good to hear in recent light of Japanese developers attempting to Westernize their games.  This time, they are sticking to something that they know best: explicit content of underage looking females.  While Western media is more averse to sexual content, the Japanese are much more comfortable with it, so we’re sure that success will follow with these recent changes, at least in Japan.  In Western countries, we can only hope that players will appreciate the fact that the Japanese are finally being Japanese.

-Eric Wilderman

Categories: News
  1. March 18, 2012 at 7:52 pm

    To be fare, the game does have an M rating on it. It is not intended for kids like the previous title was. MK2 is also only one example, I play mostly JRPG’s, and most of them have nothing like what is seen in MK2. The article is heavily biased and uninformed towards MK2, and generalizing MK2 as being how all JRPG’s are these days. Which is of course not true. Also I might add that the person does not know what soft-core porn is, it is when the actors are naked, but you see no penetration. So you would still see breast, which you do not see in MK2, but you can find in many games these days. Also there are sex scenes in games like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim and many other American RPG’s.

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